Suggestions for Adapting Recipes

Suggestions for Adapting Recipes

Milk - nut milk, coconut milk
Butter - olive oil, bacon grease, coconut oil
Yogurt - coconut milk
Sour cream - chilled coconut milk combined with a few drops of lemon juice
Whip cream - chilled coconut milk flavored with a bit of honey or orange zest

Vinegar - small amounts can be substituted with lemon or lime juice. As a general rule, tomato recipes such as salsa would use lime juice, fruit recipes would use lemon juice.
Cider vinegar - apple juice

Alcohol - sometimes very hard to adapt. In some cases the alcohol can simply be deleted altogether. Or depending on the recipe, substituted with chicken or beef broth. Juice would also be an alternative, grape, orange or apple. In some cases a combination of both broth and juice.

White sugar - using half the amount called for, substitute honey
Brown sugar - using half the amount called for, substitute maple syrup
Molasses - honey or maple syrup