Tips for Cooking Emu Meat

Tips for Cooking Emu Meat

The tenderness and texture of emu meat enables it to be prepared in a variety of ways. It is best prepared lightly grilled or pan fried.

Although emu meat has similar characteristics to lean beef, there are also some differences. Emu meat is very dark with little or no marbling. Since most fat is deposited in a layer between the meat and the hide, the meat has very little fat even on the outside of the cut.

As emu meat is low in fat, it doesn't need to be cooked as long or with as high a temperature as most other meats.

For grilling (broiling) a steak, move the griller rack down one notch from where you would grill beef. Turn the steak quicker than you would turn a beef steak. Emu is best when cooked rare to medium rare.

Chopped or minced (ground) emu will cook faster than beef. Since it contains very little fat, it should be cooked at low temperatures. Shrinkage should be minimal due to the low fat content and slow cooking.

From: Recipes Wiki
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